Private lessons are strongly encouraged for all band students, as they provide consistent one-on-one instruction for students, which is crucial at all times in a student’s development as a young musician.
Private lessons allow students to reinforce and receive personal insight on the fundamentals that will help them be successful as a musician, as well as allow them to move at an accelerated pace beyond that of the normal band class.
Private lessons also help our students to prepare for additional band events, such as the Region/Area/All-State Band audition process, and Solo and Ensemble contest.
Each private teacher will design an instruction sequence and program tailored to your student’s individual needs, allowing each student to progress at his or her own rate of ability.
HHS Band Booster scholarship applications are available upon request at the beginning of each semester. All applications should be submitted to hawkbandscholarships@gmail.com
Meet the Team
Dedication. Expertise. Passion.
Get to know our team of Private Lesson teachers!